Course Syllabus

5-Day NLP Practitioner Course Outline

Day 1: Introduction to NLP

  • What is NLP?
    • Overview and benefits of practicing NLP.
    • How NLP can be used in various life aspects.
  • The History of NLP
    • Key figures and evolutionary timeline of NLP.
  • The 4 Themes of NLP
    • Exploration of Perception, Behavior, Communication, and Change.
  • Certification Standards
    • Requirements and outcomes of certified training.
  • Practical Skill: Introduction to Practical NLP Applications
    • Real-life examples of NLP impact.
    • Simple exercises to demonstrate basic NLP concepts.

Day 2: Foundation of NLP

  • Definition of NLP
    • Deep dive into the mechanics of NLP.
  • The NLP Communication Model
    • How we process information and communicate.
  • The Presuppositions of NLP
    • Core beliefs that guide NLP practitioners.
  • Prime Directives of The Unconscious Mind
    • Understanding the unconscious mind’s role in behavior and thought processes.
  • Practical Skill: Communication Enhancement Techniques
    • Exercises to observe and utilize the communication model in interactions.

Day 3: Core Skills

  • Sensory Acuity
    • Sharpening perceptual abilities to detect subtle cues.
  • Rapport Building
    • Techniques to establish and maintain deep connections.
  • The 4 Indicators of Rapport
    • Identifying signs of successful rapport building.
  • Representational Systems (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Auditory Digital)
    • Understanding and identifying different sensory modalities.
  • Practical Skill: Building Rapport in Various Contexts
    • Role-playing exercises to practice rapport with different sensory styles.

Day 4: Language Patterns and Techniques

  • The Meta Model
    • Challenging and clarifying language to get to the deeper meanings.
  • The Milton Model
    • Using hypnotic and influential language patterns effectively.
  • Linguistic Presuppositions
    • How language shapes reality and influences outcomes.
  • Language in NLP – Overview
    • General principles for effective verbal communication.
  • Practical Skill: Language Mastery in Practice
    • Exercises to practice Meta and Milton models in real-life scenarios.

Day 5: Goal Setting and Advanced Techniques

  • The Five Principles of Success
    • Key principles for achieving success in any endeavor.
  • SMART Goals
    • Framework for setting specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound goals.
  • States vs. Goals
    • Understanding the difference and importance of state management versus goal setting.
  • Keys to Achievable Outcomes
    • Strategies to ensure goals are realistic and achievable.
  • Submodalities and Strategies
    • Techniques to change the way we perceive experiences.
    • Introduction and application of the Swish Pattern.
  • Anchoring Techniques
    • Basic to advanced anchoring techniques including state elicitation and collapsing anchors.
  • Advanced Techniques
    • Comprehensive reframing techniques and parts integration.
    • Application of strategies for effective change.
  • Practical Skill: Integration and Application
    • Creating personal action plans using learned techniques.
    • Scenario-based exercises integrating multiple NLP techniques for personal and professional scenarios.

Conclusion of the Course

  • Review and Certification
    • Recap of key learnings, evaluation, and certification process.
  • Future Pathways
    • Guidance on further training, practice, and application of NLP skills.